Thursday, December 30, 2010


Please pray for my friends. A little while back they whent through sorrow because thier horse, America, died. Now they have lost another special animal, thier cat ,Boo,. We all loved him lots!
So please prayer can change a lot of things! And please pray familty also.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Has anyone notticed how each day there seams to be a theme to the blogs they show you when  you hit 'next blog' on the top of the screen? One day it was like peoples depressing lives. Then the next day it was like artsy craftsy blogs. and the next like for buisness etc.etc.
Sorry i havent been on in a while! The pressure of Christmas! Keep Christ in Christmas!!!
Well i hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! I know i will be having a crazy Christmas Eve 1st i have to drop my cousin off at his house at 10:00 and then i sing at my church. (as i mentioned before) But i have to be there at 3:00 even though it starts at 4:00. Then to top it all off i will go to my Great Aunts house. And no she is not very old only like 50. But anyways..... then on to Christmas.
Grandparents house and the other Granparents house for Christmas!
Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ok, people if you read the comment on the post below you will see my friends idea. please tell me what you think about it wether or not you follow this site or not i like the feedback!
 Thanks so much!!